Nicole Rinaldi, LAc, MAcOM
Meet Nicole
"Make your heart like a lake,
with a calm, still surface,
and great depths of kindness."
-Lao Tzu
These are words I like to live by. I take the time to help my patients feel heard and comfortable. I see symptoms as a language by which our bodies tell us when something is out of balance. Every body communicates in its own way, and it is my mission and joy to use the perspective of Chinese medicine to offer insights and treatment strategies for your health concerns. I look forward to seeing what improvements the ancient principles and tools of Chinese medicine can make for your health.
What Patients Say
Contact Us
300 E. Hersey Street
Ste. 6
Ashland, OR 97520
Call (landline): 541-708-6543
Text: 541-854-3541
Fax: 541-219-5018
Wed & Thurs: 10am-7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am-6pm